Project Manager Group
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비용과 시간을 줄이고, 브랜드 퍼포먼스를 높히는 효율적인 프로젝트 관리를 합니다.

UI x UX Design
UI&UX design is not just make a screen pretty. We read customers mind to build a screen through information communicability, customer satisfaction measurement, and convenient interface.And our capabilities is that we listen to customers and understand their needs.

LAB, IR Media
With our experience which so many business solution and branding system will be possible to make efficient laboratory management and corporate custom design. We are specialized in basic administrator functions and contents management system solution to fit the lab and enterprise content.

Web Management
We are viewing the successful effect with not only building a website and maintenance but also on-offline total brand identity. We will suggest the direction that is right for companies based on accurate market trends, marketing direction of company to seize the organic structures.

Web Development
We have a professional staff who can applied according to the customer’s environment and needs. Continue to provide services for the Web environment has changed by applying a variety of development languages which named such as ASP, PHP, JSP.